The Bluff, also known as Uptown or Soho, is an inner-city Pittsburgh neighborhood with a plan to become an EcoInnovation District—a community that offers opportunities and services for all kinds of people and encourages equitable and sustainable development. The Tustin Smart Park was the first City-funded public art project after the Uptown EcoInnovation District Plan was adopted, selected through a competitive processes.
In collaboration with a local maker space and a local tech enterprise, we facilitated an inclusive community process to improve the neighborhood playground by adding Free Wifi access and two solar-powered USB device charging stations, as well as visual elements and lighting to make the park more inviting. The community helped develop the graphic theme that features a kite, and an original poem is featured on a custom mural that anchors the space.
As the district continues to change, the park remains a welcoming place for residents and visitors from all walks of life. Parents and teens enjoy Tustin Street's tech amenities, gardens and public art as much as the children who come for the slides and swings.
City of Pittsburgh, Neighbors
HackPGH, MetaMesh Wireless Communities
my role
Community engagement lead, graphic design, content creation including poetry, presentations, and final artwork