Ecodistricts are communities of action, bringing partners together to achieve a shared vision for equitable climate adaptation. In Pennsylvania, the Triboro Ecodistrict is the first multi-municipal regional district to link ecological and social efforts across three adjacent rivertowns and scale up impact through collaboration. I was engaged to facilitate a logo and visual identity design process with core members of the collaborative, developing an identity manual to formalize brand relationships between the three EcoDistricts Certified communities and the regional district with a system of logotypes and a set of icons representing resource flows and quality of life components: Air, Energy, Equity, Food, Mobility, Water.
The icons are used to brand places and programs, like a series of Air Quality Monitoring Stations and interpretive signage for community gardens, libraries, and greenways.
Etna, Millvale, & Sharpsburg Ecodistricts
my role
Identity & communications design